Pete Petrella

Venture Advisor

Pete supports ASV on talent and recruiting needs, and and co-manages our talent network to help us connect with new groups of advisors, customers, board members, and other senior operating talent in our target geographies. He serves as Practice Leader of executive search at TalentRise, bringing over 20 years of business development and marketing experience in a variety of sectors, including sports management, sponsorship sales and service, marketing, and business strategy. Pete also serves in a dual role at Aleron Group and works in conjunction with Viaduct, which helps startups and emerging businesses find talent. Pete’s previous roles included positions with the Buffalo Bills of the NFL and Buffalo Sabres of the NHL, as well as Kaleida Health, a $2B healthcare delivery system. Most recently, he served as Vice President of Enterprise Solutions for HigherMe, a startup aimed at creating efficiencies in the recruiting process.

Read Pete’s full bio on LinkedIn.


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